Welcome to the Cozy Castle.
A cozy gaming blog, and a corner of the internet where we discuss cozy retro games and the old school consoles that raised us!
“Finding coziness in nostalgia”
Founded in early 2023, cozyshiro.com is the only cozy gaming blog that finds comfort in retro gaming.
In this corner of the internet, we discuss cozy retro games and the old school consoles that raised us. There is something just so calming and relaxing about reliving all the old school games and consoles that raised us.
Who else remembers kicking their shoes off after a long day of school, and sitting in their warm room for hours on end on a dark and dim day playing their Playstation One? I’m sure I’m not alone, and it’s that cozy and comfy feel that I hope to invoke in my readers!
“I came into the world with a controller in hand”
I’ve always been a gamer. It’s like I came into this world with a controller in hand, with one of my earliest gaming memories being Golden Axe 2 on my parent’s Sega Mega Drive.
For me, video games are more than just a ‘time waster’, a simple ‘hobby’. It’s basically inspired plenty of my writing work and been that comfort blanket throughout some of the most difficult moments in my life.
And I know that I’m not alone!

“Owned by Meowser Media”
Cozyshiro.com is part of Meowser Media!
Meowser Media was founded in 2024. Fed up with all the male dominated media companies who simply use women to meet their diversity quota, I wanted to form my own media company, and bring valuable content to niche communities.